
欢迎浏览资讯科技署. 我们致力于为我们的学生提供, 拥有适当的技术工具和资源的教职员工. ITS部门由Berhanu Tadesse领导, 临时助理副总裁兼首席信息官.


资讯科技服务 is comprised of six service-based units that support the University's ever-increasing use of current and emerging technologies.

ITS 通用设计服务-可访问性 provides proactive digital 访问ibility services to the campus community and contributes to the University's obligation to provide an 访问ible environment for our students, 教师, 和工作人员.

Title II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 and 508 of The Rehabilitation Act decree that 加州大学洛杉矶分校 must provide an 访问ible environment for our students. The University fulfills these obligations in two ways; in response to an individual accommodation request made by a student registered with the Office for 学生 with Disabilities (OSD) and by proactively applying digital 访问ibility standards throughout our institution. 积极开展校园数字化无障碍服务, 维护, 并因其可访问性而成熟.

Executive Order 1111; The California State University Board of Trustees Policy on Disability 支持 and Accommodations establishes the proactive obligations under Section IV. 3月8日, 2021, Memo outlines our campus responsibilities via the Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI). ATI covers three priority areas of Web, Instructional Materials, and Procurement.


  • 可访问的数字内容修复,如pdf, Word, PowerPoint.
  • 字幕, 成绩单, 以及视频资产的音频描述, 包括校园活动现场的字幕.
  • Web可访问性遵从、监视和协助.
  • 可访问的IT采购流程和程序.
  • 校园辅助技术和自适应工作站标准.
  • 界面可访问性审查.
  • IT协助通过OSD和HR处理住宿请求.

加州大学洛杉矶分校's 教育科技服务 (ETS) is responsible  for harnessing the power of technology to enhance learning, 简化流程, 让学生获得成功. 我们是一个专注于提供师资的团队, 工作人员, and students with the resources and support they need to thrive in a dynamic educational landscape.


1. ITS课堂及校园多媒体服务:

  • 课堂媒体支持:确保您的讲座, 演讲, and discussions are impactful with seamless audiovisual technology support in classrooms. We'll help you with everything from setup and troubleshooting to microphone placement and creative multimedia integration.
  • 多媒体:  ITS 多媒体 服务 provides 加州大学洛杉矶分校 教职员工 with multimedia production and instructional technology support.

2. 招生管理技术办公室(EMT):

  • EMT's expertise in supporting cutting-edge technologies like EAB, OnBase, and QLESS. We work tirelessly to ensure every student has a smooth and efficient journey from inquiry to graduation.
  • Student Success Technology Tools: Empower your students to reach their full potential with 访问 to powerful learning platforms like Navigate LA. We provide training and support for 教职员工 to effectively utilize these tools and foster a supportive learning environment.
  • 注册服务及技术支援组.

企业应用程序有助于维护, 访问, 大学信息资产的储存和使用, and seeks creative and powerful methods of providing data to administrators for modeling and monitoring student success.


  • 大学企业资源计划(ERP)系统的管理.
    • 校园解决方案和人力资源(GET)系统
      • 支持 of all PeopleTools and application upgrades, maintenance packs and emergency fixes.
      • Collaboration with University departments to develop efficient and innovative modification enhancements and fixes.
      • 根据数据所有者的要求,用户应用程序安全性.
    • 金融类股(CFS)
      • 将应用程序和性能问题升级到CMS.
      • 根据数据所有者的要求,用户应用程序安全性.
    • GETmobile
      • GETmobile应用程序的实现、增强和支持.
  • 数据仓库和商业智能
    • 支持RDS仓库.
    • 富勒顿EPM/OBIEE系统的实施、改进和维护.
  • Moodle学习管理系统的技术支持.
  • 身份管理
    • 维护MyCalStateLA ID.
    • 支持自动创建所有新的active directory (AD)帐户.
  • Shibboleth和单点登录(SSO)集成.
  • Collaboration with University departments to provide technical integration support for third-party applications.
    • 创建和维护与第三方应用程序的接口, 包括S4服务学习, Portfolium, 视觉禅宗取向, OnBase, 大学调度器, Ad Astra调度程序, AcademicWorks, Jenzabar和EDI成绩单传输.

资讯科技客户支援服务 develops and manages the ITS services that interact and interface with all University constituents.


  • ITS服务台, which serves as the primary point of contact for University IT-related requests and issues.
  • 五个开放存取实验室的运作和人员配备-附件, 萨拉查大厅, 工程与技术(ECST), 国王大厅, 大学学生会(U-SU).
  • ITS marketing and communications, including emails, video, graphic, and social media.
  • A full complement of on-demand training services on campus technology resources, including online and in-person educational and instructional materials for students, 教职员工.

资讯科技基建服务 provides services ranging from technical architecture and design, 有线和无线网络的配置和支持, 服务器, 校园电子邮件, 电信和桌面服务. Four separate infrastructure groups deliver these services to a diverse constituency of students, 教职员工.


  • 基线和桌面服务
    • 获取和更新基线桌面和笔记本工作站.
    • 软件升级, 补丁管理和安全更新超过4,600基准PC和Mac工作站.
    • 发展 and testing of Baseline workstation standards and University software images.
  • 网络及电讯服务
    • 设计, architecture and implementation of wide area and local area networks providing high speed internet 访问.
    • 无线技术超过1,100个接入点,随时提供全校范围的服务, 任何地方都可以访问互联网和本地资源.
    • 教室有有线网络连接, 提供Internet和Intranet访问的设施和设备.
    • 网络、技术和信息安全的运营支持.
    • 管理超过4,300条线路的PBX电话和语音邮件业务.
  • 数据中心
    • 发展, 存储的架构和实现, virtualization and environmental controls to support a dynamic data center environment.
    • 政府, 备份, recovery and continuous monitoring of over 540 central and department 服务器.
  • 教室视听媒体支持
    • 支援电子教室, Technology Enhanced 教室 (TECs) and 媒体 Enhanced 教室 (MECs) with standardized consoles including PCs, 文档相机, 投影仪和集成控制.

In 2003, the University decreed that information security is an institutional priority and is everybody's responsibility. 为了支持这个指令, 资讯科技保安及合规性 serves as the administrative and educational entity that ensures the use of information technology and information assets at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 adhere to all state and federal statutory regulations and requirements, CSU信息安全政策, 以及大学的标准和指引.


  • 发展 and maintenance of standards and guidelines related to technology and information security.
  • 审核响应和审核it管理系统的遵从性.
  • 关键大学和院系系统的脆弱性评估扫描.
  • 全校资讯科技风险评估的年度表现.
  • 监督所有校园信息安全项目.
  • 信息安全意识培训和活动.
  • Management of security incident responses and the Campus Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) Plan.
  • ITS灾难恢复及ITS业务连续性计划的年度检讨.
  • Participation on the Chancellor’s Office Information Security Advisory Committee to discuss systemwide security concerns, 法律要求, 政策, 程序, 标准和要求.